Intervention Strategies for Attention-Seeking Behaviors:
Minimize the Attention
1. Refuse to respond
2. Give "the eye"
3. Stand close by
4. Use name dropping
5. Send a general signal
6. Send a secret signal
7. Give written notice
8. Give an I-message
Clarify Desired Behavior
9. State "Grandma's Law"
10. Use "target-stop-do"
Legitimize the Behavior
11. Create a lesson from misbehavior
12. go the distance
13. Have the class join in
14. Use a diminishing quota
Do the Unexpected
15. Turn out the lights
16. Play a musical sound
17. Lower your voice
18. Change your voice
19. Talk to the wall
20. Use one-liners
21. Cease teaching temporarily
Distract the Student
22. Ask a direct question
23. Ask a favor
24. Give choices
25. Change the activity
Notice Appropriate Behavior
26. Use proximity
27. Use compliance praise
28. Make recordings
29. Give a standing ovation
Move the student
30. Change the student's seat
31. Use the thinking chair
Intervention Strategies for Power and Revenge Behaviors:
Make a graceful Exit
32. Acknowledge student's power
33. Remove the audience
34. Table the matter
35. Schedule a conference
36. Use fogging: Agree with student
37. Use fogging: Change the subject
38. State both viewpoints
39. Refuse responsibility
40. Dodge irrelevant issues
41. Deliver a closing statement
42. Call the student's bluff
43. Take teacher time-out
Use Time-Out
44. Use the language of choice
45. Call the who squad
46. Require a reentry plan
Set the Consequences
Loss or Delay of Privileges
47. Loss or delay of activity
48. Loss or delay of using objects
49. Loss or delay of access to school areas
Loss of Freedom of Interaction
50. Denied interactions with other students
51. Required interactions with school personnel
52. Required interactions with parents
53. Required interactions with police
54. Return, repair, or replacement of objects
55. Repayment of time
56. Compensation to classmates and teachers
57. School service
Reteach Appropriate Behavior
58. Extended practice
59. Written reports
Intervention Strategies for Avoidance-of-Failure Behavior:
Modify Instructional Methods
60. Use concrete learning materials
61. Use computer-assisted instruction
62. teach one step at a time
63. Teach to seven intelligences
Encourage Positive Self-Talk
64. Post positive classroom signs
65. Require two "put-ups" for every "put-down"
66. Encourage positive self-talk before tasks
Reframe the "I Can't" Refrain
67. State your beliefs in students' abilities
68. Stage an "I can't" funeral
Teach Procedures for Becoming "Unstuck"
69. Brainstorm ask-for-help gambits
70. Use sequence charts